Frequently asked questions

Aimed at putting children at the centre, Bloom House offers a flexible schedule for families to attend weekly music and storytime classes in english where children 0-2 will learn through play.
How do I pay for my class?
As soon as you have filled in the form with your intended attendance for the month, you will receive an invoice via e-mail. We ask that you please pay for your monthly membership prior to attending the first class of the month.
What if I join in the middle of the month?
Depending on your intended attendance, we will adjust your membership to reflect the prorated amount of classes.
How early can I go with my baby?
You choose. We welcome all ages 0-2, however, we recommend children have their 2-month old vaccines before coming as to offer them an extra layer of protection. For those cautious families, 4 months can be a great developmental age to start.
Sibling Policy
Siblings of members that wish to join are offered 20% off.
How do I book my class?
Click on "book your class" to mark your intended attendance. Once you have filled it in, you will be directed to pay for your membership. After that, you are all set to come!
We ask that you please are mindful of cancellations. We put a lot of love and time into the preparations of the classes. We simultaneously know, first hand, that children (and their families) need flexibility, and we are here to give that to you. If you cannot make it to class, please let us know 24 hours in advance and we will find another time for you to enjoy that class. No shows will be billed for their lost class.
How long is each class?
Classes are around 50 minutes.
Class Etiquette
  • Please arrive 15 minutes before class to sign in, take shoes off, arrange the stroller and greet others.
  • No phones allowed in class. A lot of our families do not feel comfortable with their child’s image being on other people’s phones, and mostly, cell phones are a distraction to class and its students.
  • No shoes allowed in class. Please bring socks to feel cozy.
  • No food allowed in class. Water, bottles or breastfeeding is always welcome!
  • If you or your child is sick, please be mindful of other children and stay home. We are happy to reschedule the class to a moment that is more convenient for you.
  • Children move and express themselves in class. That is a wonderful thing! However, if you think your child is taking away the opportunity for others to focus and learn, please help them reconnect back to class.
  • Children from 0-2 learn vertically, that is they learn from their adult. It isn’t after they are over 2 that they start to learn horizontally, from their peers. For this reason, it is very important that adults participate and engage with the class. Children will be learning from you.